Friday, May 29, 2009

Such a deal!

Look what I found at Homegoods today....It was on clearance for $22. I snatched it up and put it in my carriage so fast you wouldn't believe it. I may spay paint it or not...the picture looks green when it is more brown. It is still cool at night here so my basil can go in it. My mind is racing..

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Before and After of my Potting Shed

OK I want to start with the after or you might not even look. A couple of years ago we changed out our old metal shed, the doors were bent and I had painted it to match the house and did anything I could think of to make it look better, but it was a windowless pit with mice and bees. YUK! I threw tools and stuff in there but never used it to pot up plants or do any work.

My windows open and I have an old window my son put in on the end that looks over my potting bench. My hubby took off the wood ramp that was way to steep and put down this nice big stone step. I painted and added window boxes.

This is the old metal shed, the only picture I could find...need I say more?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spring cleaning

Lets start by washing windows and opening them wide to let in the fresh air.....

Clean out the kitty fur, oops and I bothering you?

Polish the glass and oil up the wood, I just love the clean feeling, don't you?

The pieces in my bedroom were things we gathered when we were young and I always thought I would get a matching bedroom set. The pieces and the memories just seem to grow. I love the solid wood and the patina. I go and look and come home and think I'll wait a while for something new.

Don't you just love how a room feels after spring cleaning? I think my little sign says it all~

Thursday, May 21, 2009

~This is for you Rue! Come walk in the garden with me~

I love the blue of this flower and it pokes out of the stonewalls and grows under the bird feeder~
The same goes here he sneaks up on me. This is my garden buddy, he comes to join me each time I am out there~

Come walk with me, it's warm here the 80's...this makes flowers bloom~

This is a new Tree Peony I planted this year and it smells so sweet!

This birdhouse is another my son made for me is waiting for me to decide where to put it..all the others are full with birds!

My stone birdbath, well my kitties drink out of it to, but the birds use it to bathe.

I am still struggling to post, but I keep taking pictures and writing down ideas, but that is where it ends. So I hope you enjoyed visiting my garden and will sit for a glass of sweet tea.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

~What I am looking forward to~

These are some shots from my garden last summer and I have been out there weeding and planting and getting ready for this summer. This cool, damp and rainy weather is not helping...but I keep on planting. My hands, knees and butt are sore. I just kind of ache from being so out of shape. It was a long winter.

Soon I will be posting pictures from this year. I can't wait for the warm summer breezes!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This and That

This is a little vignette in my dining room. I can't wait to fill my jars with real hydrengeas.

I have been working my fanny off in the garden and do you think I have been taking pictures??Oh no. Well, it is raining away here today so I hope to get out there on Wednesday and snap away. I haven't posted for awhile and so I thought I would give you an up date remember the birdhouse I won?? This is how it looks now.... My son has built me more birdhouses and I have been planting in my gardens. Things are just starting to pop here.