Thursday, August 25, 2011

A gaggle of crows flew in~

 I was washing up some dishes and look what flew was more like, look what I made while watching TV. I have a few crows around the house and thought I would try my hand a making a few. I started on some pumpkins and moved to crows.

           I think I need to go get some supplies before the big storm hits the east coast!

Friday, August 19, 2011

I am so lonely~

This message comes from my reading nook, you see I have not sat there as much as I might like~
My favorite chair in the corner between two windows with the most delightful view of my gardens and bird feeders. It is wonderful in summer and beautiful when there is snow covering everything. Spring and fall when the windows are wide open is the best!

 This is the view when I am sitting in my chair. I get distracted from reading as butterflies and hummingbirds flit by.

My beloved Kindle sits waiting for me along with my magazines and such. I just love curling up with a cup of coffee or cider and getting lost in a good story.

When I look this way I can see out the back windows and see the bird feeders and the birds all around.
This is one of my favorite spots, but of late I have been out in the garden or lounging in other spots.
Like here.

Or here watching the grands! Life is good!
Do you have a favorite spot? Tell me about it.


Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer's bounty

 The gardens are full of summer fruit. The old peach tree had lots of peaches this year, great for eating and I made a wonderful peach pie which I forgot to take a photo of. It only lasted a day. We have had hard rains for a couple of days, at first I was so happy to see the rain, but then it just came heavy and fast and just beat my plants down. Not such a pretty site. My work has gotten busy and I have not had the time I want to go out and putter away.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Finishing up and tweaking~


I have taken the tall skinny cabinet off my porch and replaced it with this. I went looking for a cabinet to put in the upstairs hall. We had central A/C put in our home about a month back and I lost about a third of my already small linen closet. It feels like it is half gone and I had purged may items from the closet as I emptied it...where did all this stuff come from? You know I might need these sheets or how many extra pillowcases do I need? Not to mention those cute bundles of facecloths from Homegoods.......I have way too many facecloths. Some towels left the building and some sheets, but I need to purge a bit more. Anyway the cabinet from the porch traveled upstairs and I bought this new one. I love the red color and it almost matches the color I just painted the doors on the porch.

Now the doors on the porch match the front door I painted last year. See I am trying to finish some projects I started before and never got back to.
Here is where the tall cabinet landed and while I was up there I finished the stencil that I had not finished from the hallway project started in January. This cabinet holds all our cleaners and extra stuff I had no room for in the smaller linen closet. It is just right.
                                      Here is the finished hallway. To see the before click Here and here.

This is where the cabinet started out, before I replace it Here.

 I am so in love with this new piece. It is a perfect fit and the height makes viewing my treasures so much easier.

Thanks for joining me on my porch. This is one of my favorite places to be this time of year. So come on by anytime and sit on my porch and have a cupa!