Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer's bounty

 The gardens are full of summer fruit. The old peach tree had lots of peaches this year, great for eating and I made a wonderful peach pie which I forgot to take a photo of. It only lasted a day. We have had hard rains for a couple of days, at first I was so happy to see the rain, but then it just came heavy and fast and just beat my plants down. Not such a pretty site. My work has gotten busy and I have not had the time I want to go out and putter away.


  1. Oh, I see peach pies, cobbler and turnovers. I see tomato gravy, tomato quiche and cucumber salad. Yummy. Sea Witch

  2. The peaches look so good! Will you hand me one please!!

  3. wow!! you are making my mouth water. denise

  4. Hi, Donna
    I want a piece of peach pie~sounds so good!!!
    Produce looks good~ mine was so-so of a year~ not the best~
    Oh, seems like every year when my glads start to bloom we get a big old rain, and they just fall over~
    enjoy your weekend~

  5. I wish we had our own peaches but we've been buying them at the market and they've been incredibly sweet.
    Yours look perfect!

  6. Not enough rain, too much rain! Isn't that the way it always is - at least around here. All your produce looks wonderful. Hope you get some puttering time!

  7. Oh I wish I had a peach tree! I could use a nice peach cobbler about now. I guess I will need to hit the farmer's market this afternoon.

    Your produce looks wonderful! And enjoy those peaches and think of me!!


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