Wednesday, September 28, 2011

~Tuesday Display Chain~

~Framed in~
What does that mean to you? I have pondered this one and wanted to come up with something clever and different, but my mind seems to be blank! These are the pictures that came to mind right away. My personal favorites.
My Mom bought this just before she passed away. It hangs above my desk and I think of her every time I look at it. We had gone off shopping for the day, a beautiful Fall day. I have a wonderful memory of her and the of our last together.
This is my bookshelf and all but one of these parents resides in heaven.

My father in law took this picture of my hubs when he was a young boy. I just love it!
This is a sampler I made years ago when I first started Real Estate....I loved the house theme. This is still a sampler I like, mistakes and all.

I am joining Misi over at 1890 Gable House Musings for her Tuesday Display Chain. Thanks Misi for hosting the party.


  1. What memorable photos of your display chain...thanks so much for sharing.
    Lots of memories there.

  2. Pretty treasures~ the samplers so very pretty~ just love the photo of your Hubby that is adorable!!

  3. Beautiful mementos captured. The best way to interpret "framed In"
    Hubby was such a distinguished little boy A pic to add nearby would be hubby present day reading the paper ;0)
    Thank you for joining along in the chain

  4. Oh, I just love all your interpretations of Framed In! They are perfect! Excuse me but I see NO flaws in your sampler you made!! Loving the picture of hubby! Thanks for joining in!!

  5. All of your ideas for the display chain are wonderful -- love the sampler and the pic of your husband!!

  6. HI Donna, Beautiful treasures for sure!!!! Thank you for spending some time with me on my blog. I see you asked me about chickens. If your not afraid to get your hands dirty at times then get them! Try about three at first! warning they are addictive!!! I hand raised my 23 :) Just make sure they have a nice cozy spot to stay dry and warm during the long winter. You can stop by a tractor supply store around your area, if you have one. They have a ton of books and all the supplies you would need! If you always wanted to try it, then do it :) They are fun!!! Enjoy your day :) My Best ~Kimberly

  7. Looks really nice! Especially like the picture of your hubby! Love your sampler.

  8. Thank you for sharing your special memories with us. That is what it is all about. We decorate or homes to be special to us, with all of the memories and special mementos that fill our home and make us who we are.Blessings~ Sara

  9. Your sampler is gorgeous, and the photo of your husband is precious!


  10. Love your framed In ideas! That first stichery is really pretty!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  11. What wonderful pictures and memories. I love the sampler. -Steph-


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