Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The First Day of Spring!

~feels like the first day of summer~
In my 39 years of married life, I have never had to put screens back on the windows as early as March! It is almost 80 here today and was as warm yesterday too. After a winter of no snow to speak of and now this! Wow! I have bulbs flowering that usually are not in bloom for another 3 weeks. I hope it stays this way, but oh boy, Mother Nature could still hit us with snow and frosty temps~

But for now it is simply beautiful out. I did some yard cleanup today and this is what greets me when I come in. We went to the Boston Flower Show the other day and I got some wonderful flowers, some for here,

and some for here!
~Happy Spring~


  1. Donna~ Happy Spring~ gorgeous flowers~ this weather is amazing~ Ohio has hit 80 today I am in awe, I never remember it being this warm ,this long, this early in March~ I am with you hope this doesn't bring some freezing temps & snow in April~ oh, it would mean a hurting for the fruit~
    but I am going to enjoy it today`giggles~dirty-soiled hands & all~

  2. The weather is crazy this year. We are having cold and rainy weather now here in California. It was in the 70's and low 80's in Dec, Jan and Feb. now it is chilly.Your flowers are beautiful and such nice displays.Happy first day of spring Blessings ~Sara

  3. Beautiful photos Donna. Ga is breaking all kind of weather records this month. The longest spell of 80+ degree weather,,, I think we are going on 7 days in the 80's for this time of year, and our pollen count this morning in Atlanta was over 9,000. The highest ever recorded. But the weather is beautiful. So are your flowers . Have a great day

  4. The day was amazing! so glad you could work outside...no wonder your yard is so beautiful!

  5. Just beautiful as is the weather here in Ohio ! Happy Spring ! hugs lil raggedy angie

  6. Lovely flowers Donna!
    I hope we don't get any more cold weather...I am loving this!
    80 everyday is fine by me.

  7. It is unseasonably warm here too..
    80today..Crazy weather..I bought some tulips today which is nuts I know but everyone else was doing it..LOL..Your pictures are beautiful..


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