Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What a beautiful day...

The sun is shining and it is about 70 degrees...quick open the windows, put out some cushions. I ran to the greenhouse for some pansy's for the window boxes and the yard cleanup continues.
 My Easter cactus blooms at Christmas and Easter...go figure. It just makes me realize Spring is really coming.
 Maybe a lemon tart for dessert? I don't know why I just think of lemon in the spring.

I started some cannas roots in the basement, just for an early start. Love the red blooms. They looks so tropical. So if I start them early we can enjoy them a bit longer. Today is one of the first real tastes of spring around here so I am off to enjoy it while I can.


  1. How lucky you are to have warm weather, I am still waiting......Beautiful cactus, so many flowers.....love the eggs in the basket, simply beautiful......yum yum on the pie, looks so good, Blessings Francine.

  2. Tart looks wonderful! Lovely day here in Iowa yesterday and then hail and now rain! gotta love Midwest!

  3. It's beautiful here in Richmond,VA as well. I can't wait to get off and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. Left my windows opened all night.
    That's a beautiful cactus.


  4. Oh love the cactus. My grandmother use to have some big beautiful ones. When they wouldn't bloom on time she would get so upset. Love that tart. Looks delicious. It is a beautiful day here as well. Enjoy the warmth of the sun.

  5. Donna, it was so beautiful here in Mass too.
    I loved seeing your yard from your window and the deck with your chairs.

    The lemon tart you made looks FAB*U*LOUS!


  6. The view from your window and deck is beautiful. The lemon tart looks mouth watering. Blessings! Lara

  7. Everything looks so springy! Blessings~Sara


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