Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snowy day tweaking

The weather man said no snow this week....we got 4" day before yesterday and about 3" today. Now it needs to be cleaned up each time because there is ice in spots and under the snow it is dangerous. My family is so snow out :( there is still about 5' on the ground. I am so tired of it all. I stayed in today and did a bit of tweaking. I had a tombstone hanging cabinet that was in my office. When got a new printer /scanner and it took up more space so I took the cabinet off the wall and moved it to the dining room. Then I took the mirror and sign off that wall. (something I have been wanting to do). When I put it together this is what I have.

This was before~ I have wanted this mirror gone, but wasn't sure what I wanted there. I took out some old books and other bits and pieces. I like it much better.


  1. I love it when two pieces of furniture are married to become something totally different - it looks GREAT!

  2. They look great together! Love your tweeking!
    blessings, jessica

  3. I love your tombstone cabinet there. You have some great crocks and pottery pieces. Great way to display them.

  4. beautiful tombstone cabinet - and it looks fantastic in its new place!


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