Friday, June 26, 2015

What's happening at The Country Nest?

I just sat down tonight and I honestly can't believe it has been almost a month since I posted. I have been really busy with work and have not had enough time in my garden. Then there are the moments spent with my chickens.....I am hooked.

I don't want to bore you to death but my original four are about 13 weeks now and the two newer chicks the Araucanas are about 6 weeks now. They are still too small to let out with the larger hens. the larger girls peck and corner them then the babies squeal and I hurry in to the rescue. We keep them in the hen house in a wire crate. They are loving my herbs and lettuce.

Ok I woke her up for the picture, meet Princess. My grandson brought her home and said her owner was going to kill her. He had thrown her and my grandson couldn't stand it. So we now have kitty #3. She is about 5 months old and as sweet as can be. Her name was Smalls, but he renamed her Princess. It seems to suit her, she rules over the two male cats here. Already love her to bits.


  1. Aw Donna...thank you from all of us cat-lovers for coming to her rescue. She is a beauty and no cat deserves to be wrongly treated. It's so sad to think of them getting into the wrong hands. :( I'm glad you are enjoying your chickens. They will repay you, I'm sure. Hope to see more of Princess in the future. Take care, Deb

  2. Your chickens look wonderful. And Princess is one lucky cat. I am sure she will bring you years of happiness.

  3. Thanks Donna for rescuing Princess. If I was the judge in those cases....all I can say is it would be brutal! Love Princess. I love the chickens too. I'm a chicken momma as well and I love them! Maggie


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