Friday, May 22, 2015

Chicken House Update & What's blooming?

So last Sunday the Hen house was complete. Not the run yet, but the hen house. I brought the sweet babies out to their new home. It was toasty warm here on Sunday. It got so hot we had to improvise screen doors quickly. Sweet hubby did a great job and we cooled it down fast.
 Now I need to tweak and decorate, but we hope to get a run built this weekend.
 The were outside today and they are all tuckered out. They love their perch and will hop up when they hear us coming out. I usually see one head pop up, then two, then three, then all four...then they all hop up on the roost. So cute.

They are growing so fast and they seem to be so ready to get outside.
 The Scottish Broom, it smells so sweet~
 Columbine one of many we have purple, pink and two toned plants.
 My white iris' from my Mom's house on the Cape, along with Johnny Jump Ups that have jumped everywhere.
 Purple Iris

 My Tree Peony

 Solomon's Seal
 Blue ???

Not to mention my Hobo who is always in the garden, stalking chipmunks in the walls and voles which he catches all the time. He is a good kitty and loves the chickens.......

So what is blooming in your garden today?

I am going to join Deborah Jeans Dandelion House Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop! You can tell my coop is a copy of hers.
I am linking up to Tuesday Garden Party.


  1. Hi Donna: Love your little coop fot your chicks. It is so unique. They look very content in there. W ehave a frost warning here in Ontario so in came the potted tomatoes, lilies and basil. The rest of the garden will be covered and we'll hope for the best. Deb

  2. Nice chicken coop ! Chickens are so much fun that the eggs have actually become more of a side benefit ( rather than the purpose for which I bought chickens originally ). Of course the eggs are a big part of our diet and my friends and family enjoy them very much too. Still, love having silly chickens around.

    Your gardens are so pretty , they appear to be filled with lush flowers and vegetation. Isn't this time of year wonderful ?

  3. Looks wonderful! I have two silkies whom I ADORE! The flowers are lovely. My peony plants are finally going to open next week! Maggie

  4. Your chicks look very happy in their new place! Your garden flowers are so lovely. Our cat (who could be a twin to yours it looks like!) loves catching mice and other "varmints" too.

    Not much gardening where we are in CA. We've been busy on the nicer days. And it's been rainy and chilly! Hard to believe.

  5. Your coop and garden look amazing. My chickens have to ruff it and spend most of their day free ranging the farm. We're fenced in and the llamas keep the sky predators away. My quail though they have a huge protected run where they live a natural life. It's fun to watch. Sounds like your enjoy your chickens, that's neat.

    Carole @ Garden Up Green

  6. Your coop and garden look amazing. My chickens have to ruff it and spend most of their day free ranging the farm. We're fenced in and the llamas keep the sky predators away. My quail though they have a huge protected run where they live a natural life. It's fun to watch. Sounds like your enjoy your chickens, that's neat.

    Carole @ Garden Up Green

  7. love the pictures and especially of the animals.


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