Friday, May 15, 2015

What is growing?

My little red hen house is coming along. I hope to get the girls out there this weekend...they are getting big. The girls are getting more and more active. Flapping of wings, chasing each other around and lots of tweeting. I am so happy I got them.

 The rhubarb is coming along, some rain might be nice.
 These May apples were a gift from a sweet lady. I admired them at a friends house and lo and behold on Sunday morning a few years ago she popped up at my back door with a few plants. They are finally catching hold and I think of Mary when ever I see them.

 Some blue forget me nots.
 Some new lime green hostas. I need to look up the name, but I put them in last year and they are looking pretty nice. A nice pop of color in a blah space.
Some Solomon's Seal for a pretty ending :)


  1. Very pretty, Donna. Don't you just love springtime. Deb

  2. Beautiful! Everything looks so nice and springlike....Things are happening slowly in my gardens.

  3. You will be so happy you have them! I love mine! Maggie/Maggie's Lil' Fixins


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