I do believe our October was colder than November has been so far. The sunny clear days that are hitting 70 degrees when normal is 50. It has been a delight! Love the extra time to clean up the gardens and the tons of leaves! The Morning Glories are all gone.
The girls have a nice new roost. It took a couple of days, but the four older hens roost each night and the younger one are on the lower roost they had before. I was so happy to get the dog cage out of there. Hubby sanded everything nice and smooth and his idea for the wings so no draft from the vents would hit the girls. He filled the bin with sand. Boy is that easy to clean.
The girls are enjoying their pumpkin treat. They gobbled it up right down to the skin.
Just a peek. The yard glows red this time of year. It is so pretty and the air is perfect. As you can see the pool is all closed up for winter.
This is a view of the garden I take pictures of all the time...all tucked in for winter too.
Just in case you forgot this is how it looked this summer....
~ahhh Hello November~