Well new to me anyway....last weekend hubby and I had a huge case of cabin fever so we went for a ride and ended up at Bernat Mills Antiques in Uxbridge. I found these treasures all in the same dealers booth. I was doing the happy dance for sure. As soon as I have time I will be doing some tweaking. I read a great article in A Simple Life on Waterglassing. It was written by Kris Casucci from Walker Homestead. I never knew why some crocks had so much white inside. It was a great article. Who knew it was how they preserved eggs back in the day?
So let me show you a few of my dream pieces...all found on Pinterest. This first one a cake crock is my favorite. I have never seen one at any dealers. Bet I couldn't afford it if I found it.
Well I needed a glimmer of Spring so I put all snowmen away and brought out some bunnies!
I always get a bit down this time of year. I am happily noticing that the days are getting a bit longer and March is just about here, but winter seems to be hanging on for dear life. I could truly move south in a heartbeat, but my hubby just loves New England and winter. Now last night we had a burst pipe in the garage because our grandson washed his car and did not turn the water off or drain the pipes. Not great to come home to a waterfall in the garage and water running down the driveway. I sit on a board in town so I had to go to a meeting and when I get home my hubby said well after cleaning up the mess in the garage as best I could I got a phone call....our Grandson had an accident. He is fine but had three friends in the car they slid on black ice and hit another car. Everyone is fine, minor bumps and bruising, but the police made four ambulances take them to the hospital to be checked, again everyone is fine. We have to travel about 25 minutes to get there, get a tow truck, ( 2 cars not drivable) pick everyone up, get everyone home. Hubby handled all the details. Thank goodness. We are exhausted. I hate winter it is so dang cold today and I have to go show houses. Sorry for the rant, I really am tired.

I love the cake crock Donna. I have never seen one and would love to find one in a thrift store. Probably would never happen. :( I like that the bunnies are coming out. I may do the same very soon. It is -19C here and windy. So fed up! Deb
Donna, so happy your grandson and friends are alright. What a fright I'm sure. I too, am ready for South-lol. Enough of Winter, I also get very down this time of year. But love your new finds and wish list on Pinterest. Loved your pink tulips, they cheered me up. I just took out my sewing machine in hopes that pretty fabric for raggedies will lift me up.
Always enjoy your blog!
Great new old finds! I have quite a collection of crocks myself... just love them. I don't have one of the cake crocks you have shown, but will be sure to be on the look-out for one!
You have inspired me to bring out some spring... even though we are anticipating yet another big snow storm here in NY on Monday. At least I can make the inside look brighter!
Happy weekend!
Wonderful crocks, love them all. Still in the grip of winter, yuk, Come on Spring, Blessings Francine.
Love these crocks. So glad your grandson is alright. Life is s very precious. Janice
Really nice crocks!!!!!
Burst pipes are a nightmare...hope you got it fixed up.
I am tired of Winter too so it is nice to see Spring decorating.
Have a great weekend
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