I am so thankful my son called.....we received a call later that afternoon from his unit telling us there had been enemy conflict, eight soldiers were wounded and one KIA......I gulp KIA??? Killed in Action? Yes ma'am. Your son was one of the wounded, but is back to work. Wounded, how? I am sorry ma'am I do not have that information. We will have a meeting tomorrow night at the Amory and should have more details at that time......oh my God, please keep my son safe. My mind races, what Mother, wife, child, father lost their son....please God give them comfort. What happened? The reality really hits home, too close to home. Scared, sick, thankful, scared, scared,the emotions are so great.
The meeting....ahhhhh we learn that some Afgani, stole a uniform and strapped several bombs on himself and came walking up to the soldiers who are there to train them....a suicide bomber. How? Why? Who can do this? A soldier died, a father, a son...21 yrs old a mere babe. My son kept saying he was such a good man, a kind man, a friend. This part of the tribute my son posted on his face book page:
19APR2010 A daughter lost her father, a veteran lost his son, a mother lost her son, our squad lost a friend, and the 1st-101st lost a hero!! You are loved and missed by us all. And we know that bright light that your soul brought to us will help guide us through the dark. 19APR2010 GOD CALLED HOME AN ANGEL!!!WE WILL NEVER FORGET. R.I.P. SGT ROBERT BARRETT.
I have cried my eyes out and only wish I could give my son more comfort or the man's family some peace.
Now this is why I am writing this.....on Sunday the Nat'l Guard was doing a blood drive and they were standing at every corner in town to raise money for wounded soldiers. My husband and I stop and made a donation...they came right up to the car, no time or effort involved for us. We took a minute to Thank the men for their service and tell them we were proud. Now do you know how many cars whisked by, no stop, no ask, look away...pretend you don't see soldiers on the corners. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE????? Men are risking and giving their lives every day so that we can live in freedom! What is wrong? How can they just ignore what is going on. I am sensitive right now I cry at the drop of a hat.
Six Hundred soldiers left New England in January. DO you know how many families are suffering, missing loved ones, praying for their safety? All so you can whisk by on a Sunday morning, maybe go to church or breakfast, with out a care in the world.
I know the warm kind thoughtful people out there in Blog land, but what is wrong that people can be so thoughtless, so untouched? We live in a great country with freedom. I think more people need to stop and appreciate what we have here. They need to appreciate the proud strong men and women who defend their FREEDOM!!!