Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snowy day tweaking

The weather man said no snow this week....we got 4" day before yesterday and about 3" today. Now it needs to be cleaned up each time because there is ice in spots and under the snow it is dangerous. My family is so snow out :( there is still about 5' on the ground. I am so tired of it all. I stayed in today and did a bit of tweaking. I had a tombstone hanging cabinet that was in my office. When got a new printer /scanner and it took up more space so I took the cabinet off the wall and moved it to the dining room. Then I took the mirror and sign off that wall. (something I have been wanting to do). When I put it together this is what I have.

This was before~ I have wanted this mirror gone, but wasn't sure what I wanted there. I took out some old books and other bits and pieces. I like it much better.

Friday, February 20, 2015

My Potting Shed

I wanted to tell you a bit about my Potting Shed. I have been in search of pictures which I thought I took. I wish I took? We got our little shed to replace a small metal one we had. The old shed served us well but had just gotten ugly and worn out. We started looking around and we found a company we really liked at the Home Show in Boston. Then I saw them at the Garden Show. Finally in 2002 went to Pine Harbor Sheds and ordered our shed. They couldn't deliver until November. Darn it would be too cold to paint. I wanted to play with my shed, It is 10x16. Now I wish it were a bit bigger, but it was bigger than the old one that was like 6x8...who knew? The new shed is post and beam construction. These are some of my earliest pictures I can find...I may be missing the blue green door.

We added lights which we never had in the old one. It is so nice in the fall and winter.

 My shed sits sadly abandoned...unless I need bird food (which is daily this time of year)

 This is the piece of granite that replaced the builders ramp. I like how this looks much better.
This is my old bench that I hung onto for years until I found the perfect spot for it. Under the old window my son installed for me.

You can see it is a working shed.

This is how my shed looks right now. I am waiting for Spring because I have a few ideas....

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Where am I?

They won't let me out...the snow is over my head. Those of you who know me know that I am only 5ft. tall, or short. The snow just keeps on coming...more tonight.

So I have had nice fire going. I have caught up on lots of reading. Done some deep cleaning. I have done some cooking and I have been searching my seed catalogs, dreaming of spring.
 Some of my favorite inspiration.  My all time favorite is How Clean Is Your House?

Then as my reward I pull out my seed catalogs!! I am dreaming of Spring, but at this rate we will have snow in June.