There is the smell of woodsmoke in the air and the big maple tree has dropped her leaves. The pumpkins are stacked as is the firewood. Patio furniture is stored away until next year. We have cleaned the screened in porch and put the windows in....goodbye screens. I cut back the front gardens and remulched for a clean look. Cut back and started digging up my cannas roots. I had started a pulled pork sholder in the crock pot this morning. I love how it smells each time I step in the door. I can work in the yard and not worry about dinner.
Love the color these mums turned out to be. The buds were tight and I did not see the color until this week.
Just a touch of fall in the living room....and some orange pillows and a throw too.

Love the color these mums turned out to be. The buds were tight and I did not see the color until this week.
Just a touch of fall in the living room....and some orange pillows and a throw too.
The spiced apple cider is calling me and I do so love Once Upon a Time and then Revenge.
See you later!