Summer has flown by..I think it was the chickens that made it go so fast. That and the simply beautiful weather we had. Lots of sunshine. I am so sad to see it go, but I do love fall. It is a favorite of mine in all ways except it means nasty old winter is coming. I hate the cold and the ice, the salt on the roads and snow. I love how pretty it is when it falls, but then you have to move it and with salt and sand it gets dirty. Anyway back to the glorious days of Fall. The cool dry air, clear days and crisp nights. The smell of wood smoke will linger in the air. Pumpkin bread in the oven and apple cider simmering on the stove...ahh fall!
I notice how my gardens are passing by. The sedums are in full bloom and my grasses are getting their tassels. They look so pretty. I see a scattering of leaves on the lawn in the morning. We will need to close up the pool soon and I will miss the sound of the waterfall in the summer breeze.
Last weekend I got the cornstalks out and some mums planted. I got out some of my Harvest decorations. So come see what I have been up to. The mailbox is the first to get a little attention.
My old wheelbarrow got a bit of Fall color and a couple of pumpkins.
Our project this summer was to add some large stones to the front yard. This one was placed so I could add some seasonal color around it.
What do you think? It breaks up the large natural part of our front yard and gives me something to plant around.
The garden I have shown you at different times this summer. The phlox are on the second bloom and notice the sedums. They are lush this year. This is my gardens last hurrah. I am sad to see them go by.
The galvanized tub is passing by too.
The cannas are looking good too. I love the red coloring.....
The grass is showing her beautiful tassels and I love the green of my Annabelles.
The babies are growing. Lucy and Pumpkin are 19 weeks old. They are the sweetest girls.
The girls are giving us about 3 eggs a day. They have just started and the days are getting short so I just have to wait and see how that goes. My grandson makes himself eggs each morning. He just loves the fact they are so fresh.
So that is what has been going on at the country nest these days as summer ends and we welcome fall I continue to harvest my herbs for the girls and have been drying them for winter use.
Hope you come back to visit as our trees turn beautiful colors and those crisp days bring out sweaters and warm fires.....Can't you just smell it in the air?

I notice how my gardens are passing by. The sedums are in full bloom and my grasses are getting their tassels. They look so pretty. I see a scattering of leaves on the lawn in the morning. We will need to close up the pool soon and I will miss the sound of the waterfall in the summer breeze.
Last weekend I got the cornstalks out and some mums planted. I got out some of my Harvest decorations. So come see what I have been up to. The mailbox is the first to get a little attention.
My old wheelbarrow got a bit of Fall color and a couple of pumpkins.
Our project this summer was to add some large stones to the front yard. This one was placed so I could add some seasonal color around it.
The garden I have shown you at different times this summer. The phlox are on the second bloom and notice the sedums. They are lush this year. This is my gardens last hurrah. I am sad to see them go by.
The galvanized tub is passing by too.
The cannas are looking good too. I love the red coloring.....
The grass is showing her beautiful tassels and I love the green of my Annabelles.
The babies are growing. Lucy and Pumpkin are 19 weeks old. They are the sweetest girls.
The girls are giving us about 3 eggs a day. They have just started and the days are getting short so I just have to wait and see how that goes. My grandson makes himself eggs each morning. He just loves the fact they are so fresh.
So that is what has been going on at the country nest these days as summer ends and we welcome fall I continue to harvest my herbs for the girls and have been drying them for winter use.
Hope you come back to visit as our trees turn beautiful colors and those crisp days bring out sweaters and warm fires.....Can't you just smell it in the air?