Ahhh, Wednesday! I got up this morning and with large coffee in hand I sat at my computer and started to catch up reading all the blogs I've missed. So I open up
Behind My Red Door ( or should I say I stepped behind )and as usual Linda has captured my interest. I just love it when I see she has a new post. Well she is changing her seasonal decorations a bit, tweaking it a bit. Linda tells us a great story about meeting up with some Prim buddies at a shop in Hopkington, MA. Hmmmm how far is that from me? Anyway being inspired by Linda and the great web page of the shop
Country Plus I decide to hop in the car and head on out there. I was in a cranky mood when I left..you know the real estate world has been tough these days, so many sad stories and such. I was just down a bit and feeling sorry for my self. I think I just needed some alone time. I turned up the radio, set the cruise control and I was off. Before I left my home area I picked up this bunch of sunflowers at a farm stand. Fresh veggies, plants and gorgeous sunflowers! So I did not bring my camera on my trip, but let me show you what I got.

Another blue canning jar for my growing collection. I love filling them with flowers.

I know it is almost time for my Americana to be put away, but I think this will stay out. It has special meaning for me~my son the soldier had a safe return from Iraq 16 months ago, but will be heading to Afghanistan, first of next year so
This candle looks like a rusty tin can and the smell is WONDERFUL. Now mind you I really did not need another candle, but I couldn't resist.

The picture does not show the detail in the watermelon. Hand painted it is like three separate pieces wired together with the cute little tag and crow! I also got a box of speckled eggs that I am not sure what I am going to do with, but I figure something out.
Do I need to tell you I came home in a much better mood? Thanks Linda, for the inspirition to find someplace new~