The fireplace is used a lot on winter nights. I have used everything on the bricks to get soot off. Magic eraser got the most. Krud Cutter, soap and water etc....
These are my new window treatments.
The end result, for now.
My living room has been the same for a while now and really needs some updating and freshening up. I repainted it the same color it was, but with the new affinity paint by Benjamen Moore. What a great finish it has. I put an accent color behind the bookshelves to give a little contrast. Then I changed out the curtains and rods. Now I still need new pillows...I am stuck in a rut here, so any suggestions are welcome.
Donna, this is always so much fun, peering in at other people's home. You have a beautiful family room. How much are you willing to change? Are you wanting new furniture? Are you wanting a more contemporary look or a more country look? There are SO MANY options. Tell us a little more, okay? I love the side panels for your window treatments. Do you need privacy there? Do you have a couple of inspiration pics to show? Do you know how to sew?
I totally love that wreath over your fireplace. I would draw inspiration from it because it is country but modern. But I love your all staples too...couch, armore ect...and that is what it is all about. I think if you play with the acessories you will perlk up your opinion about the room. You have great taste.
gorgeous!!! very calm and classy!
Looks great and I really like the way you have your living area arranged. Neat.
Have a nice wk-end and God Blesss ya,
Hi Donna,
You home is lovely with no changes at all - love the wreath over the mantel and candles and builtin bookshelves.
You might consider moving the armore away from your beautiful windows and perhaps angle it in the other corner and put your reading chair where the wing chair is and put the wing chair on the other side of the fireplace. It is kind of hard to tell without actually being there.
If you do not do anything at all your home is lovely.
Have fun playing house.
Lovely home... and I love that cozy fireplace nook... (I have the same candles).... ;)
Hey girl..I think it looks fantastic!!! Such a warm inviting comfort that big window and the fireplace!!! Girl I painted so much at my other'd think I'd buy stock in the company! lol Loved my visit here girl...have a great week..~Picket~
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