All we have had is rain and more rain, houses are flooded, roads are flooded, no good hair days, just lots of rain. Now in the middle of all this I have a birthday and it was brightened by lot of flowers and well wishes. My family had dinner ready for me and I got flowers from my sister in Texas the day before. Beautiful yellow tulips and purple iris'. Iris' have a special meaning, they were my Nana's and Mom's favorite and they bring a smile and happy loving thoughts to all of us.

My sweet husband always brings me red roses...for the last 39 years.....
oops I'm only 39, how can that be?

These flowers came from my son and daughter. The best gift of the day was a call from my son! He had been away all the week before and I worry when I don't hear from him, but that call made my week!!!

My beautiful sister sent these, a total surprise! I am so lucky because I have the best sister in the world and I love her very much! There may be many miles between us, but the closeness is always in our hearts:)
Happy belated Birthday Donna! Sounds like it was a very nice one! Love all the flowers. I have always loved tulips and your's are beautiful!
So glad you heard from your son too.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Happy Belated Birthday Donna! You have some very beautiful flowers there. I love the iris and tulips together. I can grow iris but not tulips here in CA.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind words. I hope the rain has passed. We are expecting rain tomorrow. The good thing is I don't have to water!
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