August! I love this month....the gardens are at their best. If you come by for a cupa this is what you see at my back door, because I am usually in the garden when I am not joy, my serene place to watch the birds, butterflies, dragonflies, hummingbirds and the *x#* squirrels who eat all my seed!

My grandson just started drivers ed classes, he is taking a week long course. He never wanted to give up Tae Kwon Do nights for drivers ed. He was 16 in March, but I am kind of glad he started late. I remember when his Mother and Uncle got their licenses......every time I heard a siren I thought it was them. If they were late, well you know.
See how my mind wanders in the garden, I get side tracked so easy....or maybe it is the menopause state of mind.

The veggies are coming fast...I don't plant a lot, but there are 18 tomatoes plants...too many golden pears tomatoes, I could supply a restaurant. The rest will be eaten fresh or canned. They make great tomato sauce and we will have them all winter. Yum. The weeds have been pulled and bedding straw put down, it looks so pretty.

This was supposed to be a limelight hydrangea. The tag was wrong. It is a beauty, just not what I wanted and it needs to be moved in the fall. I put things in the vegetable garden as a holding bed(
you know, when I buy them and don't know where to put them) I made wreaths out of these last year and now have more blooms this year.

The baskets are filled. I love how this looks.

I made some wooden crows this weekend. These go with the flocks of 50 or so we had in the back yard.

~in with the real~
They looked great for spring, but I like this so much better.

Come on in.

At the back door

Summer phlox....the sweetest smell. I brought a few plants home 36 years ago from my Aunt's house and I still remember the smell. She had a garden at her back door and the guest room had a window facing the garden and the sweet scent would drift in on the warm summer breeze.

Another filled basket and more of the crows I made.

As you come around the corner into the back yard.

We pulled all the ivy and myrtle that was chocking this area out....the trees were being suffocated by the stuff! I was so sore I could hardly move and my hubby did most of the work. Gotta love that guy~

So now I planted his tub and it shows. I like it much better minus the ivy and I hope fall cleanup will be easier too.
What a beautiful weekend. The air has dried up a bit and I got out to do some much needed work in the garden. I started in the front, because I always seem to work in the back yard.
Then on Sunday we had a small Birthday party for my youngest grand daughter. She turned 11 yrs old, so lots of gifts, cake and ice cream and swimming.