We can hardly wait for him to get here.....it seems so long he has been gone. I have baked cookies, (chocolate chip, his fav) Beer in the refrigerator and pantry has lots of goodies. I know it is a long trip, but each day he is traveling it is one less day he is fighting the war in Afghanistan, one day I worry a bit less. I can't wait to see his daughters face when her Daddy is home.

Sadly it is only for his two weeks leave, but it is two weeks less that he is in Afghanistan~
Woohoo! I can't wait to read that he is home safe and sound!!
Donna, that's wonderful! We are all praying for the day he gets to come home for good.
Have a great time while he's home!
Donna, tell him THANKS for keeping us all safe and giving us our freedom...Sounds like you have a wonderful plan cookies made, beer in frig and snacks in the cupboard...My grand son leaves in Dec for Afghanistan for a year sighs...Hope you have a GREAT weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Oh God Bless you both. What a thrill he is on his way home. I am so happy for you. Hug him tight and tell him thank you for his service and thank you too. Hugs, Marty
Oh my gosh Donna! Your post truly TRULY touched my heart so much! I am an Army wife and a Marine Mom! lol Ohhhh How I know so very well the feeling of watching that clock tick down as they make their way home to our arms. God Bless your son and his safe trip home for much needed R&R xoxo My husband has served in Afghanistan for 3 tours of duty so far, and I truly pray the day will come when we wont have to send our loved ones off to this war.
I always get so excited when I get the call from their stop in Germany on the way home! I know it won't be much longer until they are home safe!! Bless bless bless you!! xoxo I am so thrilled for you!
With so much love,
That is wonderful news to hear. I remember when my husband came home for mid-tour leave. It was a wonderful 2 weeks but it made the last 6 months of his deployment even more difficult on us.
Enjoy every second and look forward to that "wake-up" :-)
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